Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Off to DC to see what we can see

We are taking a small road trip today with Vandy to DC. Christy will pick us up Wednesday morning for a day of jewelry making and sightseeing, filled of course with shopping! And then dinner across the street from the White House! It's as close to dinner at the White House as I will ever get I think. See you when we get back!!!

I do hope my flowers behave and don't go wilting on me! All that work, I worry about leaving them alone for three days with "scattered" rain in the forecast. See you in just a few days! Have a great midweek couple of days!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Babysitting my brother's babies

Joseph Nicolas Hrovatic --- we all call him Niko, too many Joe's running around here! Joe bought the kids these four wheelers and they have so much fun on them! I babysat last week and we had a blast, allllthooooughhhhhhh they exhausted me!!! You can't tell it, but Niko has really cool eyes, turning blue and green .... my dad's use to do the same thing depending on his clothes. I was telling Joe (my brother) how green they were that morning and then when we went swimming how blue they were .. he looked at me like dohhh you are in a BLUE pool with him. (He can still be a brat)
As if there aren't enough Joe's around, this is Riley Jo and when she tells you her name, she's says in the cutest little voice, Riley JO. They were trying to run me over and just laughed and laughed about it. And of course Riley's eyes are crystal blue. I am not kidding, they have like facets in them. I had a great day with them and in a few weeks ago I'll be ready for another day!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Hawk

This guy was making the neighboring birds go crazy this evening. I walked outside and said Vandy what is all that noise .. he pointed up in the tree and here he was. We spent the best part of an hour watching him and finally I said I am going to get my camera. He let me get pretty close actually. I was really amazed at how big he was. I do hope he stays in my backyard to take care of those pesty chippies and squirrels! lol