A white dress, no spills. She wasn't worried about her chores once she fell down the rabbit hole. No, Mom badgering her about the laundry she left all over the basement floor, the excessive driving she did in her new car .... lol .....I think I will have to reread that book.
I am procrastinating putting my things away and preparing for tonight's class. Prep work. Yuck. I actually want to snuggle back into bed with warm fluffy socks and dream of warmer days .... sunshine and suntans and the smell of coconut oil. Fall is here. I see her and normally I embrace her like my long lost friend. She looks great, wonderful new wardrobe of oranges and reds, a crisp stride in her walk. Me, still holding on to bright pinks and yellows, but I know she has arrived to do her annual makeover .... and I will eventually give in.
So, off to the jean closet and thinking Alice had it easy in that white dress and blue apron.